I've added a couple of stamped and coloured samples for you to look at, with a list of things I used. There are now all ready to be added to cards when I'm well enough.
I used:
Digi stamp: Wednesday Child by Mo Manning
Copics: BG10, BG13, W1, W3, 0, Y15, Y28, Y38, E000, E00, E11, E31, E41, R000, R00, R20
I Used:
Stamp: Owlie's 'Pipa with flower' by LeCrea Design
Copics: E43, E50, Y11, Y21, YG06, YG11, YG23, BG000, BG01, B05, RV000, RV10, RV21, RV43, RV34, W2
I Used:
Stamp: Owlie's 'Popco with flower' by LeCrea Design
Copics: E43, E50, Y11, Y21, YG06, YG11, YG23, BG000, BG01, B05, R000, R00, R11, R85
I Used:
Stamp: Sassy Cheryl
Copics: E000, E00, E02, E11, E21, E33, E35, E37, Y00, Y02, Y08, Y15, G000, G00, G21, G82, BG10, G000, G00, YR000, YR00, YR02
Sentiment: Computer generated and design by me in Serif CraftArtist 2
Stamp: Christmas Bunnies - Post by Lili Of the Valley
Prismacolor Pencils: Burnt Ochre, Burnt Umber, Pink, Sand, Goldenrod, Light Umber, Canine Red,Crimson Lane, Tuscon Red, Dark Umber, Apple Green, Olive Green, Cream, Lemon Yellow, Spanish Orange, Cloud Blue, Light Cerulean Blue, Ginger Root, 50% French Gray, 70% French Gray
and Sansdor to blend
Hope you like them.
Thanks for visiting.
Janine XX
Your colouring is brillliant xx